IGU CDES 2022 Osnabrück Mini Conference on
Reshaping Economic Geography in times of Risk, Uncertainty and Crisis
October 5-7, 2022 Osnabrück, Germany
Call for Papers
Climate change, trade disputes, violent conflicts and the COVID-19 pandemic have shown that spatialised economic interactions are risky and fragile. At the same time, these moments of crises pushed new ways of economic exchange, such as the digitalization of work and production and a higher focus on climate-sensitive production and consumption. As a result, individuals, organizations, sectors and institutions at regional, national and global level are and will be confronted with the need to respond to these uncertainties and dynamics.
In Economic Geography, significant work on resilience, adaptation, path development, innovation and sustainable transition has emerged in the last decade. But how can existing theories and concepts in Economic Geography provide answers to this contemporary and future world and where is there a need to rethink Economic Geography research?
The 2022 IGU-CDES conference aims to generate debate on existing theories and concepts in addressing risks, uncertainties and crises that are potentially reshaping the (globalized) economy, and to stir discussion on the need to rethink or develop new concepts in Economic Geography.
We welcome papers that cover spatialized economic dimensions of risks, uncertainties and crises for all regions of the world. Papers may examine topics including, but are not restricted to:
Conceptualization and assessment of risk, uncertainty or crises in economic geography
Impact of risks and uncertainties on corporate strategies including (dis-)investment decisions
Resilience, adaptation and/or mitigation strategies by individuals, firms or organizations
Reconfiguration of global value chains/global production networks (e.g. reshoring, rightshoring,
regionalization, de-/recoupling)
The role of uncertainty and risks in innovation processes
Opportunities and risks of digitalisation transformation (for companies and regions)
Long-term strategies and policies in dealing with future risks (e.g. pandemics, supply chain
disruption, political dynamics and environmental change)
The presenters are intended to highlight in their paper how economic geographic theories and concepts need to be rethought and, at best, to show where further research is needed.
Please send your abstract including 4-6 keywords (max. 250 words) to igu-cdes@uni-osnabrueck.de by 3 July 2022.
Deadline for Abstracts: 03.07.2022
Notification about acceptance: 15.07.2022
Registration closes: 07.08.2022
Preliminary Programme: end of August 2022
Final Programme: mid September 2022
Conference starts: 05.10.2022
Final version of papers: 30.11.2022
Publishing can be expected in 2023